THE Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, recently confirmed that greedy and irresponsible bankers (on a global basis) were to blame for the current economic crisis which is afflicting the United Kingdom.

He also expressed his surprise that these financial bountyhunters are still being treated with kidgloves and appear to be almost immune to both blame and punishment for the manner in which they gambled with the nation’s wealth – and gorged themselves upon its fruits without a care for the end results of their gluttony.

The ConDems are trying to hoodwink the population of our great nation into the acceptance that, as this is a national predicament, it requires a collective penance from us all.

They are trying to sell the idea that it is a societal problem which requires a societal resolution – and their over-use of Cameron’s ridiculous term, “The Big Society” is designed to accompany the mantra that: “We’re all in this together.” What a load of poppycock! On the same day that Mr King put to bed any semblance of an argument that ordinary working people were to blame – the Toryled Olympic Committee for the 2012 Games called for 70,000 “volunteers” to underpin this venture.

This has nothing to do with a “Big Society” – but it does smack of a blatant return to the evils of serfdom.

Derek W Hall, Hartlepool.