I TURNED 42 on Thursday. This means I am unfortunate. Like most of the population, I am too young to have been able to give my opinion on Britain’s membership of the EU. Yet we are supposed to live in a democracy.

Being 42 also means I am fortunate. I am just old enough to remember a different England, a better England. A country where the law was there to stop crime rather than to help criminals, where it was safe for both young and old to be out after dark, where I did not have to look over my shoulder before stating that I was proud of my culture, country or countrymen, an England before mass immigration and political correctness.

Under successive Conservative and Labour governments this England has been disappearing and will continue to disappear.

The worst thing is that we voted them in. The politicians have lost England and we have got to get it back. Let’s grasp the opportunity to do so at the forthcoming General Election.

Ian Saul, Stockton North English Democrats’ Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Norton, Stockton.