AGAIN, Labour’s legislators show how out of touch they are with the real world.

Firstly, we had the idea of marching disorderly youths to cashpoints to pay their fixed penalties; then, the Asbo system which quite simply has no affect on the unruliest in our society.

Now, we have the ridiculous suggestion that all dog owners have to have their pets microchipped, take out insurance and have them trained.

When will the penny drop among these professional politicians that the underclass you see – attired in their shell suits parading around with “status” dogs which are used or trained to be used as weapons and/or fighting machines – will not comply with these proposals?

Yet again, the hard-working family or the pensioners trying to make ends meet will have to cough up money they can barely afford for the companionship of a family pet. Labour just does not connect with the mindset of the working man.

Colin T Mortimer, Pity Me, Durham.