I DIDN’T think David Lacey (HAS, Feb 16) would miss a chance to misinterpret my recent letter (HAS, Feb 12) headed “Broken Britain”.

First of all, the Tories fully supported our cavalier interference into the affairs of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Secondly, it was Margaret Thatcher who scrapped regulations relating to the activities of the money men in the City.

It is true the present Government did nothing to reimpose these restraints on rampant capitalism – the present recession was given birth in the US and we are only one of most countries suffering as a result – hardly the fault of Gordon Brown.

The country is probably ready for a change, but David Cameron does not inspire – even to many Tories.

Politically, I have always been left of centre and it is a sensible thing to do to admit to the failings of the government you support.

Let’s hope Mr Lacey has the sense to judge the Tories along the same lines.

Hugh Pender, Darlington.