A SUCCESSFUL conjurer relies on making spectators concentrate on his right hand, while the left hand does the trick. Humanist Philip Nathan’s sleight of hand (HAS, Jan 20) is less successful; he purports to prove the inadequacy of Christian principles, hoping no one notices this does not prove his case.

Certainly, some Christian men oppress women and treat them as inferior; but the Christian principle is that “in Christ there is no male or female, bond or free, for all are one in Christ”.

Certainly, some Christians go to war in the name of religion; but when His disciples sought to bring down fire from heaven on an unwelcoming village, Christ rebuked them “for the Son of Man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them”.

The unfortunate priests whom Mr Nathan pillories for their part in the Peterloo massacre of 1819 were doing what they believed was their duty as magistrates; behaving, in fact, as the Home Secretary does in banning a political demonstration.

Both priests were wrong in their assessments of the danger from the crowd and the speaker; but their actions then say nothing about Christianity and Christian principles.

Christianity has great and glorious principles, even if all Christians fall short, as they do.

TJ Towers, Langley Park, Durham.