SCHOOLS Secretary Ed Balls has recently stated that allowing tax breaks for married couples is “social engineering” and is against it.

Research has proven that children benefit in all areas from being raised in a secure environment, which marriage is, and for that reason alone marriage should be promoted.

This is one of the reasons why the British National Party would reintroduce the married man’s tax allowance.

However, how can a New Labour Cabinet minister speak out opposing social engineering when this Government is the biggest culprits of social engineering by promoting mass immigration into Britain, which has resulted in many parts of the country being ethnically cleansed of the indigenous population?

New Labour has also promoted racial and gender quotas in the public sector workplace that has resulted in white British males being refused employment when they might be the most qualified person for the job.

The General Election can’t come quickly enough for the British people, so we can get rid of our totalitarian government.

Pete Molloy, BNP Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, North Durham.