THE Government continues to believe it is necessary for Britain to switch to various forms of renewable energy – eg, wind farms and solar panels. It has made up its mind and doesn’t want to be confused by the facts.

During the recent cold, almost windless weather Britain’s wind farms only produced 0.2 per cent of our electricity needs, even though they theoretically can produce five per cent of it when the wind is blowing at the right speed.

At the same time, roof-mounted solar panels were covered in snow for weeks – rendered useless. Gas and coal-fired power stations kept the lights on.

Another point concerns the European Union’s “carbon market”. This is supposed to be one of the main ways to reduce CO2 emissions, but a recent Brussels report indicated that 90 per cent of this market may be fraudulent. Criminals have been cashing in on a massive scam which Brussels estimates could cost EU member states just under £5bn.

But the Government won’t be deflected. Maybe a Conservative government will be more objective.

Jim Allan, Hartlepool