IT may be recalled how the late Norris McWhirter and I laid treason charges against Government ministers responsible for signing the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. That treaty was, after the 1972 Accession to the European Common Market, by far the worst ever removal of democratic sovereignty from the British people.

In recent years, Albert Burgess has pursued government with accusations of sedition for its continued actions in handing over ever more of our democratic rights to the European Union. As a former policeman he has been able to push the police forces into admitting they are unwilling to enforce the law. He records their replies, such as: “If we did that, we’d have to arrest every Cabinet minister from the past 30 years.”

So now we know we no longer live in either a democratic society (where our elected Parliament makes our own laws) nor one governed by the rule of law. We have instead a decadent political class and a police force effectively in cahoots with them.

What we have witnessed over MPs and their expenses has exposed our “democratic representatives” as a disgrace.

Perhaps now, people will not be surprised to learn that MPs have for nearly 40 years betrayed their country and destroyed the rights of our Parliament.

Rodney Atkinson, Stocksfield, Northumberland.