I PASSIONATELY want to see British politics dominated less by the two main political parties, so I was thoroughly disgusted by the arrogance shown by Conservative leader David Cameron recently when he scoffed at the idea of any kind of change in the voting system.

He was frightened that parties he did not like might be elected and seemed rather happy with a voting system that allows this so terrible Labour Government to govern on only 36 per cent of the vote.

On a recent Newsnight programme, Derek Simpson, joint leader of the union Unite, argued against electoral reform, saying his members were more interested in bread and butter issues. His union contains skilled and intelligent workers and he insulted them by suggesting that the legitimacy of the elected government was of no concern for his members.

If political change is to come, it is not just politicians who need to change. People need to become more politically literate.

Peter J Brown, Middlesbrough.