LAST week, I visited several renewable energy projects by Community Energy Solutions (CES) with my colleague, North-East Liberal Democrat MEP Fiona Hall (Echo, May 14).

We saw projects in Gateshead, North Blyth, Derwentside and Middleton-in-Teesdale. It was encouraging to see how these communities are benefiting from renewable technologies. CES has certainly created a model worth following and spreading to the rest of Europe.

I had a great day on my whistlestop tour of the North-East and was also very glad to experience the beautiful landscape in the region.

Fiona and I worked closely together on the EU’s climate change package, which was adopted in December last year.

The package includes a directive promoting the use of renewable energy in Europe. It was great to see that CES is already successfully delivering renewable energy solutions in the North-East.

Johannes Lebech, MEP, Brussels.