AFTER reading constantly, it seems, of the appalling greed of bankers and politicians, what wonderful light relief it was to read your two recent Fostering Fortnight articles.

The first was about selfless, caring, ordinary, unsung heroes like Kevin and Gill Brydon, from Weardale (Echo, May 12), who foster unloved, neglected and often extremely difficult children, sacrificing their time and living their lives on behalf of others.

Also, the team of good folk who run Reach Out Care’s Rocsolid accommodation project at Newton Aycliffe, County Durham (Echo, May 15), picking up lonely, vulnerable teenagers that our “caring” society throws out into the world at 18 whether they are ready or not.

What a lesson these good folk give to some of our MPs, one where giving is more important than taking and helping others more important than helping themselves.

I only hope these same MPs read these articles and learned a lesson from them, and seriously consider giving a large portion of the £92m paid in expenses to helping more of our vulnerable young to better lives and opportunities.

You never know, it might make the public think more kindly of Parliament, and earn MPs back some of the respect they have lost. I wonder if they are big enough?

Mrs S Harnby, Stockton.