THE European Union Parliament may seem remote, but as the elections draw near, it is worth reminding ourselves of the principles under which it works.

The basic principle is that decisions should be made as near to the people affected as possible.

Thus, issues that affect localities are dealt with by local councils.

The national government deals with issues such as taxation and defence. The national government also implements laws that it has agreed with the European Parliament, such as those dealing with international aviation and health and safety.

There is not the head-to-head kind of politics that is found in the UK. There is recognition that no one political group will have all the answers, thus the committees that discuss proposed directives (laws) cover a political spectrum.

The Parliament’s conclusions are subject to amendment by national parliaments and it is only when they have been refined that they become national laws.

Get information from the Office of the European Parliament eplondonpress@ – Bill Morehead, Darlington.

THE European Election broadcast for the Labour Party left me a little confused.

There was no mention of the Lisbon Treaty, the Common Agricultural Policy, fish quotas, immigration, new members etc.

Instead we had lots of scenes showing the British Prime Minister grabbing hold of the US President. He was shown talking to the US Congress about how he saved the world’s banking system and manufacturing jobs.

Surely this broadcast contravenes some standard or other. Not a mention of Europe or the issues involved, not even a glimpse of the EU flag! What was shown was pure and simply a plea from Gordon Brown for Labour supporters to let him live in Downing street a bit longer.

Then came the Conservatives’ broadcast – yet another party political aimed straight at the General Election to be held sometime soon!

At least David Cameron did mention the words Europe and election in his last sentence, along with the refusal of Labour to give the voters a referendum on the Lisbon treaty.

I wonder if Libertas and Jury Team will get their five minutes on the box? – David Preston, Darlington.