THE media is full of bad news for the Prime Minister, the Labour Party, the Government and democracy.

Politicians in both Houses if Parliament have shown utter contempt for our basic ethics, morals and standards. They have shown an amazing determination to fill their own pockets at our expense when they should be working for the common good. They protect each other from consequences we would suffer. We would be ashamed and guilt-ridden behaving that way.

The parties are rubbishing each other at every turn and expect us to choose a parliament from their midst with confidence and trust that they will work and lead by example. Well, no more second and third houses, highly paid outside jobs and open-ended “expenses”.

They should be setting examples for a better life and world to live in based on respect for each other and a commitment to encourage all to develop pride and ambition to reach their potential in this proud land.

We deserve better leadership, commitment and loyalty to us and our standards, not to small, special interest groups whose main drive is to satisfy their own greed whoever suffers.

We need strength of unity and high standards to win through against other difficulties of life.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.