WORDS of wisdom from one so young (16-year-old Adam Porter, HAS, Dec 1) in support of our monarchy.

Our monarchy is a massive asset to our country. It is admired and respected by the majority of us and indeed throughout most of the world.

The huge revenue that it generates by way of overseas trade and tourism alone is measured in terms of billions of pounds.

The pomp and ceremony of official events cannot be equalled anywhere in the world.

The hundreds of official engagements that the senior royals undertake every year, particularly when some of them are of advancing years, beggars belief.

So let’s not be cynical. Let’s support our monarchy for the good it has done and continues to do. There is little doubt that the monarchy has made a huge contribution to making this country Great.

Barrie Caton, Darlington.

PRINCE Charles has done some good things, such as the Prince’s Trust, but Hugh Pender’s comment that the photograph is “ridiculous” is valid (HAS, Nov 22). Prince Charles sits there, covered in gold braid and bedecked with stars, medals and honours, none of which he has earned, all given to him by his mother.

If it were a picture of a tin-pot African dictator such as Robert Mugabe or Idi Amin, covered in self-awarded honours, we would think: “What a buffoon he looks.”

Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.