SINCE 1997 we have experienced the greatest invasions of personal liberties since this country became a parliamentary state. Pundits affectionately call it the “Nanny state”.

Free speech has been curtailed within an exclusion zone around Parliament. Plans for detention for 42 days without trial and identity cards continue. Anti-terrorism laws are used gratuitously and for the wrong reasons.

Collection of personal data (and its loss) is reaching Draconian proportions. We are told what we may eat and drink and in what proportions. A recent introduction of injections for schoolgirls for sexual health matters would cause shudders if China or North Korea had introduced them. We have even been told to spend more to kick-start the economy.

Now Nanny has turned into a severe Governess.

In the style of Stalin, Opposition immigration spokesman Damian Green was arrested in connection over allegedly leaked information relating to recent media stories (Echo, Nov 28), including facts that an illegal immigrant was employed at the House of Commons.

Is emasculation of free speech now the order of the day? If criticism of this Government leads to arrest, I must await the 3am knock. As I sit in some Lubyanka, detained without trial, I know – particularly after reading HAS – I will not be alone.

Colin T Mortimer, Pity Me, Durham.