GOOD news for Christmas.

Global temperatures have remained the same for the past ten years. We’re actually about to experience global cooling. It was all due to sun spots after all.

It has also been found by many independent scientists that reducing our carbon emissions would have made no difference to climate temperature anyway.

Former US Vice-President Al Gore’s group, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), whose claims started off the carbon reduction panic, were not “independent” in the sense of job security, and their findings were in any case sent awry by those who interpreted them. There never was a consensus on this subject.

Backing up my statement – among others – are the hundred distinguished scientists of the NIPCC (Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change) and their Manhattan Declaration, which said most modern warming was due to natural causes.

This is especially good news for Gordon Brown, who can get on with his Christmas shopping and not sign us up to the EU Commission’s carbon and biofuel “climate package” later this month, which would have directly cost Britain £9bn a year and stood to lose us even more by helping out Poland, Italy and Germany with their carboncutting expenses.

Why no headlines on this?

Charlotte Bull, UK Independence Party, Darlington.