HUGH Pender says “surely in this day and age the idea of Royalty is outdated” (HAS, Nov 22). This type of comment frustrates all Royalists simply because it is not true.

Our monarchy and Royal Family is what makes Britain special and unique from republican countries. Mr Pender would do well to remember that the monarchy dates back many centuries, making it a central part of our proud history and heritage.

The official photograph of the Prince of Wales with his medals, to commemorate his 60th birthday, is anything but Mr Pender’s description of “ridiculous”. I believe the picture really captures the Prince’s special occasion.

Comments in favour of Britain one day achieving republican status and therefore abolishing our beloved monarchy are absurd. There is no wonder the country is in the current political mess if people, like Mr Pender, would like to see Gordon Brown as an elected president.

For the sake of the country, I hope our monarchy will always remain. I, along with many others, will continue to praise our superb Royal Family for the work they do, and hope that Her Majesty and her family reign for many more years to come.

Adam J Porter, aged 16, Wheldrake, York.