POPE Benedict's recent visit to the US was overshadowed by the child abuse scandal that has rocked the Church in recent years, but it was an important journey.

A papal visit is something that tends to be symbolic, particularly for Catholics in that particular country. It can, as we have seen in the US, attract greater media attention than Gordon Brown's visit.

Some would say that this was because of the scandal. However, in his visit Pope Benedict has embraced other faiths in a nation where convention and institutions are sometimes mistrusted.

With great humility and compassion he was able to engage and reflect, acknowledging that difference should not mean division and with those people who suffered at the hands of paedophile priests he has sought to heal the pain and rebuild a betrayed trust.

The Church has paid dearly, not just in financial terms, but in having to endure the embarrassment caused by a minority, which has affected how many perceive a priest or religion.

It is a sad indictment because many priests and religious are genuine in their spiritual commitment and service. For them, the motive is in building relationships that evoke true Christian belief and humanity.

Bernie Walsh, Coxhoe, Durham.