FOREIGN Secretary David Miliband put it into 12 words on The Andrew Marr Show on BBC1 on Sunday: "You can get away with so much, but there is a limit."

It was followed by a knowing smile and responses all round.

It was in answer to points made by the other guests that there is a widening gap between government and the governed, and people despair when their lives are worsening, politicians don't recognise it and will only talk about what they see as their successes.

Those in the know, and the two main contenders more so, accept the system encourages this duplicity by the two main players, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and others would be the same in their position.

Mr and Mrs Voter have yet to see how seriously their lives are affected and don't believe they can change it.

Tony Blair did, and promised a referendum on it, then saw it would give much of his power away to previously powerless people.

None among them have repeated that mistake since. They are now exhorting us to get out and vote.

Why should we?

George Appleby, Clifton, York.