READY to move house? Don't forget to give TV Licensing a call. As we enter spring, always a popular time for moving house, TV Licensing would like to remind home-movers in the North-East and North Yorkshire to notify us of their change of address so we can update our database and transfer their existing licence to their new home.

Everyone knows moving house means a long "to do" list as people order their boxes, book removal vans and cancel the electricity. But research carried out for TV Licensing showed that more than half of people in the area didn't know they need to contact TV Licensing to move their licence.

In fact, your TV licence does not automatically move with you when you move house, so if you don't notify TV Licensing of your new address, you could end up unlicensed even though you've paid.

It's easy to update your details with TV Licensing. Simply log on to or call 0844- 800-6722 with your new details and you will then be correctly covered to watch television in your new home.

Charlotte Hancock, TV Licensing, Headingley, Leeds.