I WAS appalled to read (Echo, Mar 13) that our MP, Phil Wilson, had revealed plans for the long-awaited Newton Aycliffe town centre redevelopment during a Parliamentary debate in the Commons.

Surely we long-suffering residents of the town deserve to have the plans disclosed to us before telling MPs?

I find it concerning that Mr Wilson is quoted as saying " it is planned to turn the leisure centre into a community service hub, where the health centre and library will also be permanently based".

It is true to say the entrance, reception, fitness suite and hairdressers on the first floor of the centre are modern and inviting.

However, some of the first-floor rooms, such as The Ash Room, can only be described as dilapidated and depressing.

If they are planning to use this area, surely the health centre staff deserve something better after all these years of uncertainty working in dreadful environmental conditions?

It is to be hoped Sedgefield Borough Council will refurbish the rest of the leisure centre before its demise in 2009 if it is to be the hub of community services, a pleasure for staff to work in and for users to visit.

Andrea Bergg (Mrs), Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham.