BILL Morehead yet again misrepresented the views of Sir Winston Churchill on Europe (HAS, Jan 23). Yes, he favoured some form of European union, but he saw the UK as being outside of that, linked to it, but instead having closer links with the rest of the Anglosphere (ie, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).

Of European integration he said: "We are with Europe, but not of it.

We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed."

As for the "constructive development of the union" seeming "slow", that is because it is the creation of a new system of government by stealth which, if presented to the people of Europe's nations as such, would have been rejected long ago.

Instead, we have ever greater transfers of power in the name of free trade, then the Single Market, then to counter terrorism, and now to save the environment.

All we ask for is the truth to be spoken by all. It is there for anyone interested enough to read the legislation, the history and the development of the EU, but few people are and that is what those in favour of this new system of government play upon.

Jamie Mash, Northallerton.