THE present political system is clearly not fit for purpose today, but the necessary changes will not be brought about by the political parties who enjoy the benefits it gives them now.

The many comments on the internet reflect the genuine concern about how the country is run and a wish for positive change.

There are many with real-life experience and management knowhow who could do a better job, but not as the system is now.

They are going to have to change it themselves. It can be done peacefully. It would generate interest, enthusiasm, thought, discussion, hope and a new national pride among the politically-dormant population.

The like-minded need to get together and put one of their number forward with the sole intent of getting the missing voters out in support of political reform.

Support and discussion would spread, ideas would flow. There would be no mandate apart from political change, and sensible support for sensible policies, with the help of civil servants, while the changes are made.

Then, another national election under the new system. It needs to be done in as many constituencies as possible to get enough people in Westminster to push the changes through.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.