APPROPRIATELY, James Wharton congratulated Nick Clegg over his election as the new leader of the Liberal Democratic Party and suggested there were issues where the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives could work together (HAS, Dec 24).

Then, as a Conservative, he looks for the opportunity to get Liberal Democrats to defect to his party, and all the expressions of respect will disappear.

As nothing more than a spectator these days in party politics, it seems that Gordon Brown needs a historic stroke of good luck to win a General Election.

There is the factor which visits all political parties in power and that is the need for a change. In addition, the impression now of the Government is that it is affected by Murphy's law. Many things are going wrong and the perception of "Mr Bean" being in charge is a strong one.

It is difficult to predict what will happen when the General Election is called, and it is all to be played for by all the parties. With a new leader I would not discount the possibility of the Liberal Democrats doing very well.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham.

I AM pleased Nick Clegg has become leader of the Liberal Democrats.

I sent my concerns to Nick, as our home affairs spokesman, regarding the professional policemen/women being gradually replaced by Police Community Support Officers and Neighbourhood Wardens.

Nick is young, articulate and needs to be given time to adapt to his new role.

Many people are sick of the twoparty system and job losses locally, while immigration is out of control.

We also certainly have an imbalance between North and South, which needs correcting.

Any fair government should adjust the Barnett Formula to take into account the social needs of the North-East and use Nissan as a perfect example why firms should relocate here from the South-East.

Councillor Ben Ord, Liberal Democrat, Sedgefield Borough Council.