I WOULD like to congratulate Nick Clegg on being elected as the latest leader of the Liberal Democrats. I hope that they will now join in with the work already being done by Conservatives across this region to highlight the failings of our current Government: to lobby for a change in planning guidelines to stop unsuitable development, prevent costly and ill-considered ID cards being introduced and so that together we can achieve a better and greener future for all.

Liberal Democrats and Conservatives do not agree on many things, but we should work together when our aims coincide.

For those Liberal Democrat members who want to see a tougher and more effective stance on law and order, who are not convinced by their party's love of the EU or taxraising policies, then please consider joining with your local Conservatives.

It is clear that Gordon Brown is not up to the job of being Prime Minister and it is only the Conservatives who are offering a genuine and realistic alternative government.

James Wharton, Conservative Parliamentary Spokesman, Stockton South.