The Northern Echo recently published an opinion piece rightly expressing outrage at the “trolling” of Captain Tom on social media.

In the process of doing so the newspaper risks being accused of hypocrisy.

In the very same week several readers’ comments to various published articles, opinion and letters exhibited similar behaviour - clearly disregarding instructions not to post abusive or malicious material. Indeed, it seems that some contributors are running a personal, abusive vendetta against others and your website supports it.

Often comments are made about others which are totally unrelated to the published content stimulating the comments in the first place!

It looks like the Northern Echo is criticising such behaviour while acting as a platform for it. Shouldn’t the paper curate at least some of the more scurrilous comments and threads which debase many of the sensible and reasoned contributions made by readers?

Or is the fear of being accused of suppressing “free speech” too much?

D Duell, Durham.