THE article “Bank’s decision to close is final despite petition” (Echo, Feb 19) regarding the campaign to prevent the closure of the Barclay’s Branch in Crook highlights the conflict of interest between financial services and the needs of customers who still use cash, or for whatever reason do not use online systems.

I wonder just how “big banks” make such decisions. Barclays for instance paid 448 of its staff bonuses of at least £1 million last year. This amount of £448 million is equivalent to the total paid to 11,606 workers on the UK national average wage of just over £36,600 per annum. In other words, enough to staff over 1,100 bank units with 10 full time employees. Making adjustments for staffing levels, fixed and variable overheads this money could have probably stayed the closure of some 600 branches.

I understand all companies are duty bound to provide a return to their shareholders many of whom would be supporting our pensions.

One wonders how those earning in one year the equivalent of 27 years pay compared to that earned by their colleagues could look those who will lose their jobs with closures in the face and justify themselves.

B Jackson, Sacriston.