I FEEL obliged to comment on your editorial this morning (Echo, Oct 21) regarding Dominic Cummings.

I think it is highly discreditable of you to suggest that because he was against the formation of a regional assembly we followed his lead and voted against it.

I, for one, had not even heard of Dominic Cummings in 2004, even though I live in Durham. So to suggest that he was the reason why this was voted against is ridiculous!

Why don’t The Northern Echo, our MP Mary Foy and Durham County Council focus less on Dominic Cummings and more on the problems facing our wonderful city, which has recently become an absolute mess and a place that is no longer a pleasure to visit.

Or even maybe, Ms Foy might, in line with other local MPs, think about trying to get the Leamside line reopened, something that will be of more benefit to her constituents than the continuing witch hunt against Mr Cummings.

Des Elston, Shadforth.