IT is often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

But that is precisely what the Welsh so-called government has just done in its efforts to control the uncontrollable.

And in its own way, the Westminster government is doing the same by strangling the life blood out of England.

The lockdown imposed in March had overwhelming public support. People were terrified at the thought of catching Covid-19 and they signed on to “protect the NHS” as a noble intention.

Now we know a great deal more about the virus. It is not the automatic death sentence we feared six months ago.

Those who have succumbed having tested positive almost invariably had serious underlying health issues. Hospitals were never unable to cope. The Nightingales were left empty.

So when the inevitable second wave came along and the authorities repeated their punishment beating to businesses and the self-employed, why should we expect a different outcome?

What will they do when the third, fourth and fifth waves roll across the country?

More of the same? And that is insane.

DW Lacey, Durham.