WITH regards to the tribute to the late Sir Harold Evans and his challenge to photograph the ‘Teesside smell’ – I well remember the Teesside smell,

Up here in the top end of Wensleydale, yes ,Wensleydale nearly 50 miles from Teesside, we referred to it as the “Middlesbrough Roke”.

A glorious sunny day in the middle of summer, hay time in full swing, with a light easterly breeze. The drying grass requiring another few hours of sunshine to make perfect hay, then a slight haze is noticed down dale then within minutes the sun disappears accompanied by that unpleasant but familiar smell. Hay time put on hold and hope for another sunny day tomorrow, with hopefully a much stronger wind.

If I remember correctly, this phenomenon only happened on sunny days with a fairly light east wind.

I would like to add my thanks to Sir Harold for “sorting things out” and we do not experience it now.

Mason Scarr, Bainbridge, Leyburn.