WHAT a pathetic statement by our local MP, Paul Howell to publicly state (Echo, May 26), that he will not comment on the Dominic Cummings case, neither for or against.

The majority of my friends and I suspect the majority of his constituents think that his trip to Durham and Barnard Castle was against common decency and possibly against the law.

I was no supporter of his predecessor as an MP, but at least Phil Wilson had the courage to speak out against the party line, when he thought it was wrong.

It looks like we have elected a “Party Hack”, who does not reflect the views of his constituents, but puts his political career before justice.

I think he should re-consider his actions or start preparing for a one session parliamentary career.

It is a pity that we cannot recall MPs who do nothing to represent their constituents’ views and see if they would be re-elected.

John Richardson, Hurworth.