THE proposal to move the House of Lords to the North is insulting.

The siting of this nest of non-elected privilege amongst us will do nothing to erase the actuality of the north/south divide. Rather, it will rub salt into our wounds.

The way to woo the North is not for the Government to spend a fortune on a new home for the Lords, but to invest heavily in our infrastructure.

If Boris really wants to show us some respect, he could occasionally hold cabinet meetings in the North, as well as in the Midlands, Wales and Scotland.

If the exile of the Lords becomes a reality, I can see the great and the good turning down peerages to avoid the inconvenience of leaving the metropolis on a regular basis. Of course, many people would think that a good thing!

The House of Lords should stay in Westminster, and not be foisted on the North.

Such a move would be a meaningless gesture, as real power, rightly, lies in the elected Commons.

Steve Kay, Redcar & Cleveland councillor.