SO Prime Minister Gordon Brown appears to treat the nation as if we are all fools. He has breached the trust of the electorate by refusing to implement the promise made by former PM Tony Blair that the people would vote in a referendum on the subject of an EU constitution/treaty.

Mr Brown would do well to remember he is answerable and is a servant of the people and is voted into office to represent the people.

If our MPs rubber-stamp the "new treaty" we will see our democracy, identity and ability for selfdetermination lost to the EU and see the world's newest country formed - the United Sates of Europe, together with a further tranche of powers being handed over to Brussels away from our own elected politicians.

Ask yourself: "Who governs Britain?" and remember the EU is an organisation our Government has agreed to obey.

The three or four "red lines"

reputedly secured by Mr Brown are the last of more than 100 areas of policy conceded over the last few years which will "disappear" and be lost forever.

John Waiting, Guisborough, East Cleveland.