I DESPAIR at the despicable theft of lead from various church roofs once again.

Our metal company, along with all others, changed our way of making payment, no longer paying in cash - it must be cheque or bank transfer paid into whoever delivers the metal.

We also, in the case of lead, check it with an ultraviolet torch which shows up any SmartWater marks etc which are usually used to help recognise stolen lead and I really cannot understand or believe that anyone would buy a quantity of lead like this from any body other than a major roofing company without asking questions.

I genuinely believe this lead is being stolen possibly by gangs of foreign criminals, definitely not God worshipping Christians, and I for one would be the first to pick the phone up to the police were I offered it, as would other metal merchants I know.

Anyone who is involved in the theft or disposal of lead from the roof of God’s churches deserves all the law can throw at them.

John Cumberland, Rushyford