MIKE TAYLOR is correct in stating fair notice was given regarding the increase in pension age for women (HAS, Nov 29).

He is also correct in that if a woman married in the 1970s she could opt out and pay a reduced National Insurance contribution.

I married in the 1970s but decided to continue to pay a full contribution, knowing full well that I would not receive a full pension if I opted for the reduced rate.

Why these women were “shocked” is a complete mystery to me.

They stated it had not been pointed out to them – rubbish.

It was made perfectly clear at the time not only would they receive a reduced pension but would also not receive the then maternity grant.

In my opinion, they wanted their cake and to eat it and kicked up such a fuss they achieved their aim, whereas I and many others paid the full contribution and are no better off.

If anybody should be compensated it is us.

Linda Hodgson, Peterlee