I WAS very surprised that Geoff Hamilton wrote his letter about his treatment at his doctors' surgery in Darlington expecting a sympathetic reaction, (HAS, Oct 21).

He arrived six minutes late – what NHS staff these days have six minutes to waste when appointments are generally 10 minute slots.

Does he expect that nurses and doctors will just sit around waiting for him to turn up?

Had he phoned to say he was running late they may have been more understanding and the nurse may have been able to see her next appointment instead.

If he hadn’t got a mobile, then presumably the garage he dropped his car off at, had a phone.

I always turn up 10 to 15 minutes early for all medical appointments, as if one patient turns up late then the doctor's schedule is put back for the whole day.

They have families and would like to go home on time at least sometimes.

If you’re early then occasionally you are seen early.

My advice would be don’t take your car in the day you’ve got a medical appointment, and be glad that you don’t live in a country that doesn’t have the NHS.

K Harris, Barnard Castle.