“WHICH just about sums up the whole mess this country (the UK) is in” is the concluding sentence of John Brant’s letter (HAS, Oct 12) relating to Nissan and Brexit.

The UK is a wonderful country to be a member of.

Of course we have problems, but what is causing an additional problem is the Remainers’ reluctance to accept the referendum vote and obviously the EU is aware of this opposition.

As previously mentioned if Vote Leave had lost the referendum, the decision would have just been accepted. John is concerned about the impact Brexit might have on Nissan as an employer.

I am more fearful of the reaction of voters, who democratically opted to leave the EU, if their wishes are not carried out.

In a very large turnout the decision was 52 per cent leave against 48 per cent remain, only four per cent but equating to a majority of not 500,000 but 1.4 million.

If the UK is able to leave with a favourable deal, the Nissan concern will not arise but the UK must be able to negotiate from strength.

It will be interesting to see as the October 31 deadline draws nearer if the EU are prepared to be more flexible or are they prepared just to sit back in optimism that Brexit will fail.

That would not unite the UK Remainers – you might have a lot to answer for.

Mike Taylor, Darlington