I MUST take issue with Mike Taylor (HAS, July 12) and suggest that he takes cognisance of the announcement that a full investigation has been initiated by the police into the leaking of the private and confidential emails recently dispatched by Sir Kim Darroch during his office as British Ambassador to the USA, by person or persons unknown, and why the contents were published by a leading national newspaper.

I doubt the naivety of Sir Kim, who was a very highly respected British diplomat and who served his country to the highest level of international diplomacy.

If reporting back to his political masters by email, is a standard procedure, then security measures would be in place and be subject to the highest level of protection and confidentiality.

The true “criminals” are the unscrupulous individual who betrayed his trust to the British Embassy.

Th freedom of our press comes with a great responsibility and above all, loyalty to the Crown.

As one who signed the Official Secrets Act some 40 years ago, I hope the investigation is successful in finding the guilty parties and punishing them as they deserve.

Don Marshall, Darlington

Doing his job

I MUST take issue with Mike Taylor (HAS, July 12) for describing Sir Kim Darroch, formerly British Ambassador to the USA, as “naïve”. When he referred to the US administration as being inept, Sir Kim was simply doing his job.

The job of any ambassador is to report back impartially to the Foreign Office on the situation as he sees it in the country where he is based.

The crucial point is that these reports are strictly confidential and his words should never have reached the public domain.

Similar reports must be falling on to desks at the Foreign Office every day from the many countries where we have ambassadors. The fact that this report was illegally leaked is a matter for the police.

Whoever leaked it may well have been trying to stir things up between the UK and the US and I hope he or she is caught and punished.

It is sad that such a long and distinguished diplomatic career should be ended through the criminal activity of an unknown individual.

I have every sympathy for Sir Kim and find it reprehensible that Boris Johnson did not give him more support.

Margaret Moyes, Darlington

Say it how it is

I WAS shocked by the letter from Mike Taylor (HAS, July 12) with regard to the resignation of Sir Kim Darroch. Surely an ambassador is expected to say it how it is. As his communications are supposed to guide our government, they need the truth, not Trumpesque “fake news”.

We will never know what the US ambassador sends to Mr Trump, but I am sure it will be direct and forthright. I suspect he will be telling President Trump, that as Boris Johnson is almost certain to be our next prime minister, the pride of the UK, the NHS, is available for a mass attack of cherry picking, all the plum sections going under the thumb of the USA medical giants, and at what cost to the UK citizen.

Do not forget that one of the prime causes of the demise of the US car industry was the fact that medical insurance was part of the car worker’s salary and was increased to such an amount that the various companies became unviable and were forced to close

Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe