WHAT a refreshing change to have three positive letters regarding the Brexit debate.

Could it be that The Northern Echo is at last acknowledging that it was the majority of the electorate who voted to be out of the EU? What a pity that the national newspapers haven’t yet understood what a majority vote means.

As for the defeatists who continue to witter on about the electorate not knowing what was involved in leaving, how dare they make such assumptions?

Are they suggesting that the millions who voted out, didn’t know what they were doing and the remainers were the only ones with the facts? People made their decisions on the information they were given by both sides of the debate, and as for all those lies we were fed, it wasn’t one sided, and the leavers didn’t spend £9m on leaflets to every household in the UK in order to brainwash the British people.

For goodness sake, let’s stop pussyfooting around the likes of Junker and Barnier who are only interested in keeping the enormous sums of money flowing into their coffers.

One thing is for certain, we were always a thorn in their sides, and their contempt for the legal and democratic decision by the UK to leave, should tell us everything we need to know about their attitude to democracy and what ordinary people have to say. We are a resilient people and we will cope, with or without them.

Brian Sutherland, Sedgefield