I DIDN’T realise the Echo had advertised for a doom-monger, but Julia Breen obviously got the job. Her column (Echo, Oct 4) dwelled on Mrs May dancing, when in fact this was a few seconds prior to a long speech which shows that she still possesses that great British ability to have a laugh at yourself.

Why mention last year’s cough ? She had a cough for goodness sake, this year she didn’t.

Julia Breen talks of scaremongering, yet writes a whole column which is exactly that, repeatedly mentioning unrest, disorder, riots, doomsday etc.

I suspect these are her own opinions but she covers herself by quoting a police chief’s memo.

All very reminiscent of the doomsday scenario we had to endure leading up to the millennium.

We were a great, tenacious nation long before the EU was ever conceived, and we will continue to be, long after it has disappeared as a blip in history.

G. Carr, Aycliffe Village.