HOW long does it take to refuel your car? Maybe five minutes?

OK, it’s expensive but it has worked for more than a century.

It takes far too long to charge an electric car at present and where do you charge it and is electricity really green energy?

If everyone purchased an electric vehicle – if they could afford one – the world would grind to a halt with immediate effect. Where do you think electricity comes from? It’s from fuel: gas, oil, wood, nuclear etc powered power stations.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the pathetic output from wind farms.

Theresa May wants to sort Brexit out before getting back on her soap box promising zero emissions by 2040 and boasting that our batteries are the best in the world.

She could do with someone giving her batteries a bloody good charge. What is this next Come Dancing candidate thinking of?

Anything she says can be taken with a pinch of salt as I very much doubt she will be here by the next tomato season.

John Cumberland, Rushyford