THE youth service of Darlington Borough Council may think that it is serving the youth of the town putting on a free show in the Market Place (Echo, some editions, Aug 20), but all it is doing is seeking publicity for itself and the council's policy of "bread and circuses".

The young people of Darlington want youth clubs which are open for at least five hours in the evening for seven days a week and not the patchwork, which I have gathered from reports in the Echo from time to time, that exists at present.

The council is short-changing the young people not only in regard to youth clubs, but also in its provisions for outdoor sport.

The letters about builder George Wimpey going back on promised football pitches at South Park, as part of a housing development (HAS, Aug 21), are yet another example - I remember that the council wanted to use some of the Wimpey contribution for CCTV cameras in the parks.

John W Antill, Darlington.