AS a Liberal Democrat Durham city councillor, I am somewhat dismayed that the authority's cross-party licensing committee recently passed an application for a lap dancing club in the city, but am not entirely surprised.

This application could only be rejected on four grounds. Appeals almost always win and cost a fortune. The opportunistic manner in which our Labour MP, Roberta Blackman-Woods, jumped on the opposition bandwagon, given that it is her party which has created such restrictive licensing rules, is a little disingenuous.

I pride myself as someone with liberal beliefs, and so my position may, to many, appear at cross purposes.

There is, however, a pressing reason why this application should not have proceeded. Durham is a World Heritage Site. It attracts tourists from the world over because of its beauty and history. Other towns and cities in the North-East can and do offer adult entertainment venues. There is a place for everything. This is not some prudish, anti-liberal stance, it is common sense.

Laws created in London are tying the hands of Durham's district councils to do what is best for their communities. Durham should be able to decide what is best for Durham.

Councillor Mark Wilkes, Liberal Democrat, Durham City Council.