THE history of the nineteenth and twentieth century has been a constant struggle of ordinary people through their democratically elected governments to control big business.

Our parents and grandparents had to stop charlatans using monopolies and cartels to fix high prices for food and fuel as well as living space or sell us defective and dangerous goods.

Now we see central government cutting services such as the NHS along with local government and civil service inspectors.

Public services are undermined and we are left with no protection. Tax inspectors have virtually vanished and governments are undermined by their inability to finance themselves. Here we have to blame Whitehall. Call centre tax collecting and online self assessment has failed us in every way.

Our online state with online applications for everything is no state at all, wide open to abuse and fraud.

Grenfell Tower is just one of the many dangers we as ordinary people are now exposed to.

Grenfell Tower demonstrated staggering levels in London and the South East of a black market in social housing sublet without authority or permission.

The rich are retreating behind walled compounds and vanishing from social media because they know the profound dangers to us all in cutting front line police.

The EU was never the threat to national sovereignty - quite the reverse.

The undermining of the idea of the need for any government or any government inspectors was always and continues to be, the threat to national sovereignty.

There aren’t even enough journalists left to report on this all for us.

Nigel Boddy, Darlington