GORDON Brown is obviously a member of the Magic Circle, so good is he at the sleight of hand.

During Tony Blair's years, Mr Brown was never around when a lead was needed; was conspicuous by his absence during any crisis; and now, at last when he has the power is generously giving much of it a way, he claims, to make for a more democratic government, when, in fact, he is once again stepping aside from confrontation and controversy.

By handing over difficult decisions to the House he is in fact saying "It weren't me, governor". No Churchillian then, or even a Blair, who for all his many faults, did stand and take the flak for his bad decisions.

Mr Brown wants the position and the kudos, but sadly not the responsibility. He shows every sign of being a totally ineffective leader, and even his new frontbench members cringed as he struggled through his first Prime Minister's Question Time - still after ten years in waiting not ready for the job he so coveted.

Mrs S Harnby, Stockton-on-Tees.