THE daily news broadcasts never cease to amaze me. Over this last weekend we have been told that we will be bothered with terrorist activities for the next 15 years.

Where do they get these numbers from and what do they expect at the end of that time?

Then we are told that it is all right to change the psyche of this country, so that it is good to spy on your neighbours, as if it is something new when, in fact, phone numbers have been given out for some years to encourage people to do just that, the latest being the one to report someone smoking in a public place.

What this will do is create a deeper blanket of fear and mistrust throughout this country, so that things will not get better, but worse. What an opportunity for spiteful people to cause problems for someone they do not like. This seems to me like a retrograde step to the witch-hunts of the past.

Mrs B Tingate, Darlington, Co Durham.