TO build an army you need recruiting sergeants. I believe many terrorist recruiting sergeants come in the guise of radical Muslim clerics who are able to preach racial hatred and religious extremism to young, impressionable Muslims in Britain's mosques.

On January 15, a Channel 4 Dispatches programme, entitled Undercover Mosque, was aired nationally. Undercover filming and reporting in this programme revealed a shocking picture of the kind of sermons being delivered to the faithful.

One radical cleric demanded that more Muslims should become doctors as Muslim women should not have to undress for what he described in derogatory terms as Britain's white doctors.

When you consider the majority of the recently arrested terrorist suspects were, in fact, doctors, it would appear his message is getting through. I cannot remember any government action being taken against the clerics featured in the Dispatches programme, despite the fact that rhetoric may well have broken the law.

The programme also revealed that these radicals receive their education in Saudi Arabia. If that is so, it might well explain the Government's unwillingness to take action. To do so might put oil and arms contracts at risk.

M Kennedy, Ludworth, near Durham City.