B KIDD seeks to hide the real nature of jihad (HAS, June 11). The verse in the "Holy Koran" which urges Muslims to jihad against "unbelievers", ie, non-Muslims, also includes the words "Ten will overcome 100, and 100 will overcome 1,000".

This is no struggle against the inner self. Islam spread its message by the sword, as its history shows.

Muslims here are 39 per cent in favour of Shariah law. This includes the cutting off of the hands of thieves, the flogging of adulterers, the "chastisement" of women and the mutilation and crucifixion of "those who fight against Allah". The Holy Koran is in the public library.

If Muslim immigration into this country is not stopped our own descendants will pay the consequences.

Mrs TL Parsons, Middleton St George, near Darlington.