RE Mrs E Richards' letter about her unhappy experiences of Royal Mail delivery services (HAS, June 8).

I notice there was no mention of Postwatch, the independent consumer watchdog for postal services. Postwatch acts as the voice of the consumer to ensure they get the best possible service from all licensed postal operators.

Postwatch Northern England dealt with 2,500 complaint cases last year from both the public and business users. We helped to obtain more than £35,000 in compensation for those who came to us.

If customers have a problem they should complain first to the relevant part of the Royal Mail Group, or other relevant licensed postal operator. If customers are unhappy with the response they get, or need assistance complaining in the first instance, then Postwatch can help.

For more information, call us on 08456-013265, visit our website at - or write to us at Freepost, Postwatch.

Judith Donovan, Regional Chairwoman, Postwatch Northern England.