RE Tony Kelly's "views" on abortion (HAS, June 7). What kind of world does this man live in? Who is he to judge people who have gone through this without any thought of the reasons behind their actions?

According to him, if a 12-year-old girl is raped and becomes pregnant as a result, she must have a baby born out of a severe crime who may not be loved and could end up being abandoned, or be called a murderer if she has an abortion.

Surely children should be conceived out of love and be wanted?

Would he prefer it if every child conceived were carried to full term regardless of whether this would ultimately kill either mother or baby?

What about babies who die in the womb? Should the mother have an abortion, or should she let the baby rot inside her? Would he call her a murderer?

The horrendous decision a woman makes to terminate a life is not one that is ever taken lightly - it is a decision that she must live with for the rest of her life.

Linda Henderson, Meadowfield, Durham.